Saturday, April 18, 2009


Oh. Being at Bethany and Kent's house today reminded me of one of my first experiences in Colfax, Washington. It was fall, and I had taken an extended vacation to help out with honey in Idaho and spend more time with family in Washington.

Bethany had gotten some honeycrisp apples from a local grower in the Palouse somewhere, and they were gorgeous. Plus she said they were the best pie apples and even tart eating apples she'd ever had.

I gotta say they would probably give Bert's pink pearl orchard in Boonville a run for its, er, pie.

Too sunny for indoorness, we rinsed off the apples with the hose and sat in the driveway of Bethany and Kent's adorable rental farmhouse. I remember the tiny pieces of brown dry grass sticking to the apples in the heat.

There were never such devoted... man, oh man, there is something so sweet about spending time working side by side with my amazing sisters. If there is a heaven, I could imagine whole days of peeling apples together and laughing.

Probably we didn't have a compost set up back then. Applecore!

Jenell's smile tells it all.
We are so happy to be in the sunshine, working and talking together.

So some of the apples had little bits of peel still stuck on them. I ended up being grateful that we each did this a tad. The apple pie was so much more authentic when you once in a while ran into some peel, or a seed.

Bethany double checked the internet site to make sure we were canning properly, cleanly.

Two boxes of apples yielded one batch of pie filling.
They looked like chunks of gold when they came out. Y'all wanna stop on by for a slice o pie?


  1. so beautiful. glad you're having a little piece of heaven, lucky owner of yellowbuggy!

  2. editor's note. Bethany read this and said she remembers that what she was on the internet for was to prove to me that you have to screw the rings on the lids before you can them=)
